Excelent Japanese franchise packages and licenses to the world.
Excellent Japanese franchise packages and licenses to the world

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Jul. 28, 2020


100-yen shop business originated in Japan: Watts

100-yen shop business has become an essential retailing style for life around the world.


The strengths of Watts include its wide range of products, flexibility, and excellent footwork.


For overseas store openings, the company also assists in setting up the stores before opening.


Currently, Watts sends samples of the layout, including photos, and provides remote guidance.


Watts shops are developed in 30 countries around the world and the company is actively engaged in brand development.


Watts is a listed company in Japan and it can be said as "a safe and secure brand".



Now it is a best chance for you to turn a pinch into an opportunity to start a new business.
If you are interested in this brand, which thoroughly support your courage and action, please contact Franchise Japan.