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Excellent Japanese franchise packages and licenses to the world

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Oct. 19, 2018


Digital strategy of convenience store LAWSON that makes the synergy with next-generation shops and travel possible

It is said that Lawson has contacts with an average of 800 persons per day per store and about 10 million people a day on a nationwide scale.
Convenience stores correspond to ATMs and express bus and air tickets at store point Loppi, consigned sales of leisure tickets, and mobile payment for China "Alipay" at all stores. In some stores, the setup of key boxes to deliver keys such as private accommodations has also begun.

With the declining birthrate and the aging of the population, by using new technologies such as IoT, AI, they will save labor in store management and will change the new way of shopping.

In the future, by taking advantage of the strengths of real stores, there is also the possibility of taking over window functions such as tourist information offices.

LAWSON launched the "Open Innovation Center" in May 2017 and opened "Open Innovation Lab" in Shinagawa in October of the same year. While focusing on the areas of "logistics", "analytics", and "robotics", the company aims to provide a new shopping experience for "customer", the company's highest priority. In addition to the company's members, partner companies are also participating in the laboratory, and they are starting to develop products and services with new technologies.
